Rossi Character/Class Drafts
Here's a showcase I've made with what I've done with the classes I've made so far, I'll go into more detail with them in the next development blog.Here's a showcase I've made with what I've done with...
View ArticleRossies 3D - Virtua Class
This is the 4th out of the 5 classes, the Virtua Class. Virtua is the computer and electronics expert of the team, he has the ability to reprogram computers and robots to work to his advatage. He has a...
View ArticleLow Poly Alpha Class
I just realised that the models I have have to many polygons, well, roughly 5000, which isn't bad, but not retro looking enough for me, so I'm starting from scratch, making a lower-poly model. Here's...
View ArticleSchool Render - Horror Style
I was modeling the school for the game (as it is set in a school), and i decided to render it o see what it looks like, and because I forgot the lighting, I got this, it looks like something from a...
View ArticleRossies 3D - Screenshot - 23/3/13
Here's what the game looks like as of right now, as you can see, they are a few touches I need to make, but aside from that, I think it'd good enough to put out, not that I will, I want it polished...
View ArticleRossies 3D - Screenshot - 30/4/13
Here's a screenshot of the first level as of right now, I tried to give the level that "Glasgow" feel, I tried to recreate the kind of vitroian-style flats you'd see here. For those who live here as...
View ArticleRossies 3D - School Beta Screenshots
It's been a while since I've updated anything here, this is to let youse know that I'm not dead. I'm off my hiatus now, and I'm back on wasting all of my time on Rossies 3D! So what do you guys think...
View ArticleRossies 3D - School Beta Screenshots
It's been a while since I've updated anything here, this is to let youse know that I'm not dead. I'm off my hiatus now, and I'm back on wasting all of my time on Rossies 3D! So what do you guys think...
View ArticlePrototype Screenshot
I'm just uploading this to let everyone know that the project isn't abandoned, not in the slightest, I have switched engine (To Godot), and have actually gone through the work to designing the game and...
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